1.2.1. Condition of the articles
Indicates the condition of the article:
▣ too old: article expired
▣ overdue: inspection overdue
▣ upcoming: inspection upcoming
▣ inspected: article inspected
▣ in stock: article not in use
▣ not to be inspected: article not under inspection
▣ not found: article not found
▣ discarded/in repair: article discarded or in repair
1.2.2. Central database
APPEC has a central database with the most common models, their characteristics and inspection questions. All elements of the central database, whether models, manufacturers or categories, can be imported into your own database.
Note: The elements are always displayed in the language that is currently set. For example, if you want to import a model in German, the interface must be set to German.
Before you import an element, always make sure that all characteristics are correct, as APPEC cannot 100% guarantee that the data of the respective element is correct.
If an element, e.g. a model has been imported and APPEC updates the data, the model in your database can also be updated. If you do not want this, then you can completely disconnect from the central database.
1.2.3. Digital inspection form
All inspection forms can be filled out digitally, documented photographically and exported. If a manufacturer does not have explicit questions for a model, you can insert these 2 standard questions.
1st question
• Check that the serial number and CE marking are present and legible
• Check that the service life of the product is not exceeded
• Cleanliness and integrity
2nd question
Inspection and maintenance according to the manufacturer's guidelines
1.2.4. Inventory management
All articles and their characteristics are stored in your database. This means you can also use APPEC as an inventory list. This gives you a structured overview of your articles, no matter if they have to be inspected or not.
1.2.5. Searching for articles
Thanks to a filter and an intuitive search bar, you can set the search individually and therefore find any item quickly and easily.
1.2.6. NFC, QR code, Barcode scanner
APPEC also supports the scanning of NFC chips, QR codes or barcodes.
If you are using an unsupported device, the NFC, QR, or barcode can also be entered manually. Supported devices
QR codes and barcodes can be scanned with any device that has a camera
All info about NFC/RFID can be found here >>
1.2.7. Cloud-based system
All data is stored on our server and is backed up. Since APPEC is based on a cloud system, it always needs connection to the Internet. The cloud system has the advantage that data can be accessed from anywhere and no data is stored on the system currently in use. Therefore you can only access the data with one access and if the used device is broken, no data will be lost.
Note: APPEC does not use a certified server, so there is a risk of data loss. Therefore we recommend to always export inspections and save them on a certified server. Data protection and backup
If you accidentally delete data, we can restore the backup in an emergency. A backup is made daily. For more information contact the support.